
Thursday, April 25, 2019

On April 25th at the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, the book, Global Indigenous Youth: Through Their Eyes, was presented to the public for the first time. Written by Indigenous young authors from the seven Indigenous sociocultural regions, it is the result of a collaboration between the Global Indigenous Youth Global Caucus and ISHR in cooperation with the UN Secretary-General's Envoy on YOUTH, MADRE, and Tribal Link Foundation.

by Inga Winkler and Sydney Amoakoh
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

If 2015 was the year the period went public, 2018 was the year menstruation won its spotlight at the United Nations' high-level sustainable development and human rights forums. "Carrying on the Flow" examines how we can turn the current momentum surrounding menstruation into a movement which is not only sustainable - but which also elevates menstrual health as a cross-cutting rights issue, and which truly leaves no menstruator behind. 

PC: @petrapaul13

by David L. Phillips
Thursday, April 18, 2019

Memory and continuity. Hope for a better world. Notre-Dame is not just an edifice. It is a symbol of our shared humanity, a sanctuary of dreams, a safe haven for our better angels. Restoring the fire damage must be accompanied by a pledge to heal the world.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

David L. Phillips (ISHR) moderated a discussion with John Prendergast and Suliman Baldo (Enough Project). The event was held on April 11, the day President Omer al-Bashir was removed as President. Sudan's political transition is volatile and ongoing.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Starting February 2019, 21 indigenous women leaders from around the world started participating at the sixth annual Global Leadership School of Indigenous Women of FIMI, the International Indigenous Women’s Forum. The program lasts until May 2019 and focuses on human rights and international advocacy skills. It has a number of components: online, face-to-face classes, the three-day seminar at Columbia University, attendance of the annual session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and a monitoring process through FIMI’s virtual platform.