Sarangerel Lkhamsuren

Sarangerel Lkhamsuren is a lecturer in the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the School of History and Social Sciences and a teacher trainer at the Center for Human Rights Education of Mongolia State University of Education (MSUE). She is also involved with the Central Asia Research and Training Initiative of the Open Society Forum of Hungary’s International Higher Education Support Program. She has worked with the Mongolian Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science (MECS) and UNICEF on a number of projects pertaining to children’s rights education.
As a visiting scholar, Ms. Lkhamsurenl researched educational reform, human rights education, and the cooperation among school administrators, teachers, parents, community members, and other stakeholders. Based on this research, she wrote a chapter on stakeholder cooperation and school violence for a curriculum module commissioned by UNICEF, MECS, and MSUE. Her most recent article, “Children’s Rights in Educational Settings of Mongolia,” is pending publication.
Sarangerel Lkhamsuren, 2009