Material designation of cultural memory in city space: preservation and modern use of architectural and archaeological monuments (as example monuments of the Serbia romanbyzantian culture). (English)

TitleMaterial designation of cultural memory in city space: preservation and modern use of architectural and archaeological monuments (as example monuments of the Serbia romanbyzantian culture). (English)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsO. A. Antyufeyeva, G. A. Ptichnikova
JournalSotsiologhiya Goroda
Call Number85505965

The problem of the preservation of monuments of material culture -- architectural and archaeological objects -- is considered. Pilot project positions on formation of the Roman-Byzantian culture museum complex "Mediana" in Serbia are developed. Principles of presentation and exhibiting of architectural and archaeological monuments in city space are formulated.

Short TitleMaterial designation of cultural memory in city space