A Tour of the Battleground: The Seven Circles of Pan-European Memory.

TitleA Tour of the Battleground: The Seven Circles of Pan-European Memory.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsClaus Leggewie
JournalSocial Research

The article discusses the aspects of European identity. The article describes how the impulse to unify the peoples of Europe both politically and socially is a daunting task due to the diversity of ethnicities and competing collective memories. The article presents different ways a foundational identity can be formed, including the memory of Nazi socio-nationalism as a negative founding myth, the memory of soviet-style communism as narrative that speaks against totalitarianism, and the memory of Europe as a continent of immigration. Details are provided regarding Turkey's role in the formation of a unified European identity, along with a discussion of Turkey's democratization.


'Accession Number: 32455570; Leggewie, Claus 1; Affiliations: 1 : Director, Center for Media and Interactivity, Giessen University, Germany;  Source Info: Spring2008, Vol. 75 Issue 1, p217; Thesaurus Term: CULTURAL identity; Thesaurus Term: COLLECTIVE memory; Thesaurus Term: NATIONAL characteristics; Thesaurus Term: GROUP identity; Thesaurus Term: NARRATIVE paradigm theory (Communication); Thesaurus Term: EUROPEAN communities; Thesaurus Term: CULTURAL nationalism; Thesaurus Term: SOCIOCULTURAL factors; Thesaurus Term: SOCIAL policy; Thesaurus Term: EMIGRATION & immigration; Subject Term: EUROPEAN federation; Subject Term: EUROPEAN Union countries; Subject Term: SOCIAL aspects; Number of Pages: 18p;  Document Type: Article'

Short TitleA Tour of the Battleground