Virtue in Despair: A Family History from the Days of the Kindertransports

TitleVirtue in Despair: A Family History from the Days of the Kindertransports
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsMichael Geyer
JournalHistory and Memory

Ruth Theiner and her younger sister Esther Theiner left Prague on Jun 30, 1939, to arrive in England on Jul 1 on a so-called Kindertransport. This was a small portion of the grand total of nearly 10,000 children, between two months and sixteen years of age, who departed for England under the auspices of several organizations that merged in Mar 1939 to become the REfugee Children's Movement. Geyer recounts German history through the biography of these two young girls who had to leave Prague for England on the Kindertransport.

Short TitleVirtue in Despair