
Past Events

Thursday, March 23,2023 - 6 to 8 PM

Celebrating Black History and Women's History at Leonard Lief Library

A round table on community organizing led by Black women, organized by Dr. Sarah Soanirina Ohmer, Associate Professor in Latin American and Latino Studies & Africana Studies, featuring:

Thursday, March 23rd, 5:00 to 6:30 PM

A panel discussion with participants in ISHR's 2022-2023 Human Rights Advocates Program

Maria Isabel Flota (Maya Peninsular, México)

Institutional Communication Officer -International Indigenous Women’s Forum

Tuesday, March 21, 6pm

The Marist World Film Program and the Department of Modern Languages and Culture Present: "Parsley"

Monday, March 20th 3-5 pm

It’s back by popular demand! Join us for some tension-busting activities, food and drinks, and time with other human rights students.