Fellow Highlight

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Another mention of “The Archive of Memory” by AHDA alumna Hasini Haputhanthri in Sri Lanka’s Daily Mirror. 

Please read full article 'Memory against Forgetting Archive of Memory' here
The curators of ‘Archive of Memory’, Dr. Malathi De Alwis and Hasini Haputhanthri selected 70 individual narratives that seek to explore post-independence Sri Lanka from 1948-2018.
According to the article, ‘Archive of Memory’ looks at this particular historical trajectory through the eyes of different individuals. The selected 70 storytellers are “representative of the multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-lingual melting pot that is Sri Lanka…[who] spanned a vast array of professions from artists and activists to diplomats and domestic aides to soldiers and sex workers to teachers and tailors.”