Crises of memory and the Second World War

TitleCrises of memory and the Second World War
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsSusan Rubin Suleiman
PublisherHarvard University Press
CityCambridge, Mass.
ISBN Number0-674-02206-8 978-0-674-02206-5 978-0-674-02762-6 0-674-02762-0

How we view ourselves and how we wish to be seen by others cannot be separated from the stories we tell about our past. In this sense all memory is in crisis, torn between conflicting motives of historical reflection, political expediency, and personal or collective imagination. In Crises of Memory and the Second World War, Susan Suleiman conducts a profound exploration of contested terrain, where individual memories converge with public remembrance of traumatic events. - Jacket flap.

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