
Now accepting applications for 2019.
Monday, June 4, 2018

Now accepting applications for 2019.

Kemal Pervanić
Tuesday, May 8, 2018

As the founder and executive director of Most Mira (Bridge of Peace), Kemal Pervanić is dedicated to bringing youth of different ethnic backgrounds together, fostering compassion, unity, and understanding through art. Pervanić started Most Mira upon his return to Bosnia-Hercegovina, his native country, from which he had fled 10 years prior after being held in a two concentration camps, one being the notorious Omarska.

Friday, April 27, 2018

ISHR has learned that 2013 Advocate Angeline Pajibo Swen of Liberia has passed away.

Pajibo Swen truly cared about the women and children she served first as a police officer and later as a community team leader with a non-profit. While in HRAP, Pajibo Swen impressed everyone with her determination and commitment as well as her grace and humor. She loved her family dearly and spoke of them often.

Keep a Child Alive Features Advocate Carol Dyantyi
Monday, April 23, 2018

2014 Human Rights Advocate Program alumna Carol Dyantyi, the founder and CEO of Ikageng in South Africa, has been featured in a new video produced by Keep a Child Alive. Dyantyi founded Ikageng in 2001 to support children affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic in South Africa.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Human Rights Advocates Program (HRAP) alumnae Elina Horo of India, Marayah Fyneah of Liberia, Edna Kaptoyo of Kenya, and Huda Shafig of Sudan participated in the