Memory Studies Portal

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Aline Sierp.  Submitted.  Wither Europe, Wither Memory?
Aline Sierp.  2016.  Drawing Lessons from the Past. East European Politics & Societies. 30(1):3-9.
Aline Sierp.  2016.  Drawing Lessons from the Past: Mapping Change in Central and South-Eastern Europe. East European Politics and Societies. 30(1):3–9.
Aline Sierp.  2016.  Drawing lessons from the past: mapping change in central and south-eastern Europe. East European Politics and Societies. (1):3.
Aline Sierp.  2016.  Europe’s changing lessons from the past. East European Politics and Societies.
Aline Sierp.  2016.  Excavating Memory: Sites of Remembering and Forgetting.
Aline Sierp.  2008.  Young Europeans: From pro-european to eurosceptic. Università degli Studi di Siena. Online verfügbar unter http://www. jhubc. it/ecpr-riga/virtualpaperroom/029. pdf, zuletzt geprüft am. 18:2009.